Friday, 19 April 2019

Why can't I sleep? Part one

Image result for why cant i get to sleep

There are many reasons that can stop you dropping off - let's look at a few.

You are using your devices in bed.
Using a smartphone or tablet can keep you up longer than intended, as it emits a high concentration of blue light which delays the release of sleep-onset hormone melatonin.  A 2014 Harvard study which compared reading on devices against having an actual paperback book found that those who used tablets took longer to fall asleep and had higher alertness before bedtime.

Too much coffee?
It is well known that drinking coffee before bedtime can keep you up for longer, but in 2013 US scientists discovered that even an afternoon cup can making falling asleep a challenge. The study found that consuming caffeine even six hours before heading to bed has a detrimental effect on falling asleep, and reduced the total nightly sleep amount by more than one hour.

Eating a big meal.
Eating a main meal late in the evening increases blood flow to the digestive tract, prompts the stomach to produce gastric acid, and forces muscles to get to work to metabolise food, all of this when your system should be slowing down in order for the body to fall asleep.

A full moon!!! (honestly)
University of Basel researchers found that the lunar cycle affects human sleeping patterns, although it is still unclear why that is. During a Full Moon, subjects of a 2013 study took five minutes linger than normal to fall asleep, and had 20 minutes less sleep throughout the night.

Blame your other half!!! (we like this one!)
A 2009 study carried out at the University of Surrey found that couples sharing a bed suffer 50 per cent more sleep disturbances than people who slept alone.

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