Sunday, 7 April 2019

Can drinking orange juice prevent Strokes? The evidence here

Image result for a glass of orange juice

A major study has concluded: a daily glass of orange juice could cut the risk of life threatening Strokes by almost a quarter!!!  It did say that other fruit juices appear to have a similar benefit.
A bold claim we say. Let's take a look.

Fruit juices have long been considered healthy but in recent years many consumers were put off thinking about the reported high sugar levels. But, fruit contains "natural sugars", which are a mix of sucrose, glucose, and mostly fructose. Because there has been a lot of negativity around sugar lately, people then think fruit is bad too. Fructose is only harmful is excess amounts, and not when it comes from fruit directly.

Dutch scientists, reporting in the British Journal of Nutrition, tracked 35000 men and women aged between 20 and 70 for almost 15 years. They looked at how fruit juice consumption compared with the number of strokes. Te results showed that four to eight glasses a week of orange, or other fruit juice, cut the risk by 24 per cent.Even a glass every other day lowered the threat by 20 per cent. Heart disease rates were also reduced by up to 13 per cent.

They did say that consumption of whole fruit should be preferred because the evidence of the health benefits is more conclusive. But the juice is thought to contain natural substances that can protect blood vessels.

Strokes kill around 200 people a day in the UK. Many more live, but end up disabled with a higher risk of further attacks.

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