Sunday, 7 April 2019

Unhealthy lifestyle could lead to Amputation - serious facts!!

Image result for diabetes causes amputations

A record 25 amputations a day on diabetics were carried out by the NHS between 2015 and 2018 - fuelled by obesity levels.

Surgeons removed 27,465 legs, feet and toes in England due to the disease.  That was 14% higher than the previous three year period, according to Public Health England (PHE)

Four out of five patients will die within five years of losing a limb, officials said.  They called it a "tragedy", but "most cases could be prevented by losing weight".

PHE director, Jennifer Smith, said: "survival rates and quality of life for people following such major surgery can often be poor. This should not be happening when the condition - type 2 diabetes - is preventable in most cases."

Diabetes raises risk of complications, including nerve damage and bad circulation, that can lead to amputations.  Poor foot health costs the NHS around one billion pounds a year.  It is a weight issue. There is a NHS Diabetes Prevention Program, which is now being expanded. It offers free slimming advice to high risk patients.

HMHB is all about encouraging people to be more responsible for their health. To get people moving and exercising more, watching their nutrition and improving their lifestyle. This will all help.

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