Sunday, 14 April 2019

Serious links between Obesity and Cancers

Image result for obesity and cancer link

Researches have found that putting on excess weight can increase your risk of developing some cancers by more than a half.  They found "strong evidence" linking obesity and a higher body mass index (BMI) to eleven cancer types - especially those of digestive organs.

The Studies have found a 56 per cent rise inn risk of liver, gall bladder and bile duct cancer for every five-point BMI increase. The same hike sees men's chances of bowel cancer increase nine per cent. In women, the risk of post-menopausal breast cancer among those who had never used HRT was up eleven per cent. Their risk of womb cancer rocketed 21 per cent for each 0.1 rise in waist to hip ratio.

Other cancers associated with a higher BMI were oesophagus, pancreas, kidney, stomach and ovaries. BMI measures body fat based on height and weight,, It is a good guideline, but people must be careful when looking at it. Rugby players who are large would be seen as obese with a large BMI, but their actual fat ratio would be small.

A healthy BMY is deemed to be around the 25 figure; if it is between 25-30 the average person is seen to be overweight, and 30 plus is seen as obese.

For this research, Imperial College London looked at 204 earlier studies analysing links between weight gain, BMI, waist size and 36 different cancers.

HMHB promotes a healthy lifestyle and not being overweight. It is very easy to put on weight if your mental health is not good. Your physical, mental and emotional health is intrinsically linked. You need to look after all three to give yourself the best opportunity of a good, long healthy life. Part o0f that is watching your weight.

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