Friday, 19 April 2019

Saturated Fat should be in your diet!! A controversial study explains

Image result for saturated fat is good for you

The Government issued a health warning three decades ago to slash our intake of Saturated Fat - seeing many people swap butter for low fat spreads, and full fat milk for skimmed. But a controversial study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, by Dr, Aseem Malhotra, a Consultant Cardiologist now says that advice is wrong.

Found in cheese, milk and butter, saturated fat consumption can help stave off heart disease which kills 160,000 Brits every year.

Many low-fat products are stuffed full of sugar - as this helps with the taste.. This can push up blood pressure and, in turn, is linked to heart disease, stroke and premature death. Obesity rates have risen dramatically since the Eighties when the low fat advice was introduced. We are also seeing more cases of Type 2 Diabetes than ever before.  It should be noted this is also linked to physical health - for many people life is more sedentary.

Our diets are now packed with unsatisfying low-fat products and refined carbohydrates, such as bread and pasta, which the public believes is better for them.

Dr. Malhora's research suggested that the best thing you can do for your health is to eat home cooked food. That also means eating full-fat products, but ensuring you have a good exercise regime too.Just by walking briskly for a small time every day can be of benefit.

He says there is no point snacking on crisps and chocolate and living off high-sugar, high-salt convenience foods such as fish and chips, if you treat exercise like a full time job. It does not repair the other. If you diet is stuffed with junk then your health is bound to suffer.

Doctors spend too much time focusing on fat reduction, when all you really have to do is enjoy whole foods and get your blood pumping, he concludes. Saturated fat is not the enemy. It can be enjoyed as part of a sensible and satisfying diet.

To be honest, it makes sense. Everything in moderation. It is your responsibility and choice what foods and drinks you put into your body. Have fun, and enjoy - but counteract that with being physically active too.

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