Wednesday 3 April 2019

Fizzy diet drinks - can be risky?

Image result for fizzy diet drinks

"Two or more fizzy diet drinks a day have been linked to a doubling of stoke risk"

Researchers, who had their findings published in journal Stroke, based a study on 81000 women of Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York.  Drinking 710ml or more a day of artificially sweetened beverages, such as Diet Coke, saw the risk of stroke increase by 23 per cent. Fort females without previous heart trouble or diabetes, or those overweight, the risk more than doubled..

The women were also 16 per cent more likely to die early from any cause.

The lead Professor, Yasmin Mossavar-Rahmani stressed they did not prove diet drinks actually caused stroke or heart problems. But she added that they may not be harmless.

HMHB says we should all be able to have what we want in moderation. It is all down to amounts and portion size, be that liquids or solids. Just be sensible!!

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