Sunday, 7 April 2019

Onions can cut cancer rates!!! Let's look at the Study

Image result for what are allium vegetables

A study by Dr. Zhi Li, of the First Hospital of China Medical University, has suggested that just eating half an onion a day can slash the chances of getting bowel cancer.  They said that eating as little as 44g each day of Allium vegetables, can reduce the risk of developing the disease.

The word Allium is Latin for 'garlic'. But the Allium family includes onions, garlics, leeks, scallions, chives and shallots.  They have bioactive compounds that can protect against cancer. Just by slicing and crushing them can boost these properties. Boiling though was shown to reduce them.

In the study of 1666 men and women, those eating 74g a day - the equivalent of around half a medium sized onion, 79 per cent were less likely to develop bowel cancer than those eating less. That's a significant difference.

Dr Li said:
"There seems to be trend - the greater the amount of allium vegetables, the better the protection"

It just goes to show that nutrition is important, and concentrating on including vegetables can have a huge benefit. We should not focus on individual foods, but the whole plate.

HMHB is all about choice when it comes to nutrition. We are adults, and we know the better foods over the ones that are not so good for us. Nothing wrong with treats and the odd trans fat here and there. But ingesting the right minerals and vitamins, combined with suitable protein, carbohydrates, sugars and fats is crucial.

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