Friday, 12 April 2019

Can cured meats affect your asthma?? Read this.

Image result for cured meats

A recent study warned - scoffing a regular bacon sandwich can almost double the risk of an asthma attack!!  In fact asthma sufferers who ate cured meats four or more times a week were up to a staggering 76 per cent more likely to get severe breathing difficulties.

Scientists believe the high salt content and preservatives in cured meats - such as bacon, ham and salami - may inflame the airways, making asthma symptoms worse.

Lead Researcher Dr, Raphaelle Varraso, of the French Institute of Health and Medical Research - who tracked the diets of 971 asthma patients over 20 years - said: "higher cured meat intake was associated with worsening asthma symptoms over time."

Those who ate cured meats once a week or less saw a small rise in the number of attacks. This rose again among those eating between once and four times a week, and was the highest in the most regular eaters.

It's definitely something you should be aware of if you are an asthma sufferer. Many foods can affect different aspects of health. It's why we are all responsible about having a healthy diet.

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