Tuesday, 30 April 2019

Can alcohol improve brain health? A study makes a claim

Image result for alcohol is okay

Only a couple of days ago we posted a blog post re alcohol and dementia. This is what makes this blog so interesting - here is a different view on the matter from a different study. All we can do is present the facts, as they are published. It is up to you to decide what you believe, what is true, and what you need to do abut it all.

Apparently a study claims that drinking a couple of pints of beer a day boosts the brain and cuts the risk of developing Alzheimer's. Scientists say a small daily tipple reduces brain inflammation and flushes out harmful toxins.  Two medium sized wines, or a couple of large vodkas,, would have the same effect.  However, sinking six pints damages the central nervous system.

The team from University of Rochester in New York, led by Dr. Maiken Nedergaard, studied mice to see how their brains reacted to different alcohol levels. Those given the equivalent of two pints of weak beer for an average man had less brain inflammation than booze-free mice. They also had fewer toxins that could lead to dementia-like symptoms. But brain function in mice given the equivalent of six pints was significantly reduced.  Dr Nedergaard said: "Low doses of alcohol appear to improve overall brain health."

The Alzheimer's Society have commented on this by saying "this is not a green light for people to drink more alcohol."

HMHB promotes a healthy lifestyle, which naturally includes a good diet. But we also agree with the adage "everything in moderation"

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