Wednesday, 24 April 2019

Are quick intense workouts better for you?

Image result for HIIT clipart

We love our regular weekly fitness sessions with our Dean (PT Zombie). He puts us through our paces, and a lot of it is designed around HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) - accessible to all I hasten to add. But is it really good for you?

Repeated ten-second workouts help the heart more than the officially advised half-hour moderate exercise, experts say. They could also aid the older generation by making blood vessels healthier.

Scientists probed 15 women in the 50s and 60s. Being post-menopause, they had less of the hormone oestrogen - meaning fewer vessel-boosting cells and a higher heart disease risk. But intense sessions did more to make those cells work better and improve veins and arteries.

HMHB says:
HIIT is not for everyone, but study after study shows it has a greater impact than normal moderate jogging, walking, cycling. It can also be done over a shorter period of time.

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