Monday, 22 April 2019

Action breaks help your body - let's take a look

Image result for be more active

Your body is built to be active - and action breaks help our bodies work properly.

The Sun's fitness adviser, Jenny Francis, says: "Not taking a break can wreak havoc with both your fitness and your waistline. Muscles become inactive - especially in the legs glutes and back - so even if you go to the gym or for a run after work, a lot of muscles will not perform. Not moving also slows your metabolism."

So what can we do to help ourselves?
Moving about gets your heart rate up, burns calories and wakes up muscles.  Even just standing and doing simple exercises can help.  Getting up from the chair, then sitting back down, and repeating that ten times is the same as doing 10 squats. You can do body twists, leg raises, crunches - all are quite simple and can be done standing - or sitting if you are physically unable to stand for long.

Just move more - it is your responsibility.

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