Sunday, 21 April 2019

A cup of tea is proven to help you relax - here is why

Image result for teapot clipart

How many times do you say, or you hear people say, that they really need a cup of tea?  It is almost an instant English reaction to offer one to guests. It has always been a way to help you relax, but there is evidence now as to why.

Tea contains an Amino Acid called L-theanine that promotes Alpha waves - the brain waves associated with a resting body, claaims Rick Hay, a Nutritionist.

Making a cuppa is also a brilliant tie to indulge in a restful practice we call mundane meditation. In this, you focus on the sound, smell, feel and sight of a task you would normally do on autopilot - ;ike the washing-up, running a bath or pouring hot water onto a teabag. Focus on the sound of pouring the water, watch the steam curl, notice as the smell releases from the leaves, then finally take a sip. Just like daydreaming, this wandering abstract thought switches on yoour default network. Let your mind wander. It all helps your relax more.

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