Sunday, 21 April 2019

Setbacks really do make you stronger - have a read

"Hardship often prepares an ordinary person
for an extraordinary destiny" - C.S.Lewis

Image result for setbacks clipart

Mental Health issues are normally a result of something going wrong - and we have struggled to deal with that in a suitable way. It may result in poor choices and upsetting thoughts, it really can turn into a positive if you choose to do that.

A study has found athletes who encounter a moderate to high number of adverse life events are far better at dealing with competitive sport situations. Facing adversity in their personal lives means these athletes performed much better under pressure.

So tough experiences, which can include, among many, relationship breakups, financial problems, serious injury, periods of unemployment, and isolation, can all have a silver lining, even if it does not appear to at first.

There is no doubt the same is true inn business. Show us a successful business person and we are sure you will see someone who has temporary defeat or even total failure at some point in their careers. The actual "failure" is not relevant to what happens next - it is how you react to the failure that defines your direction.

This is where HMHB promotes the Growth Mindset Mentality. It is who you are as a person, and how you control your thinking and attitude, that determines whether your recover from knocks and setbacks, or you crawl under a stone and allow it all to overwhelm you.

Being able to find the strength and put one foot in front of the other to lead yourself forward is a remarkable trait. And that is the pathway to success. There are no guarantees, but it does not happen without it. Be Proactive!!!

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