Sunday, 14 April 2019

Proof that "walking" is really good for your brain

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A new study has produced figures that indicate a clear link between walking and a healthy brain.

Scientists found that plodding feet boost blood flow to your brain even more than pedalling a bike will, as the contact with the ground sends pressure waves through your arteries. They used ultrasound to study blood circulation in the brain in 12 healthy young adults during walking or resting upright. Walking boosted blood flow to the brain significantly more than cycling, which involves no foot impact.

The scientists from New Mexico Highlands University in the US, who published their findings in the American Physiological Society's annual meeting in Chicago, did find that walking had less of an effect than running in providing blood flow benefits to the brain. That sounds obvious because of the faster speed, but there are many people that find running difficult.  They concluded: "Brain blood flow interacts with pressure pulses from foot impacts."

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