Wednesday, 24 April 2019

How do friends sabotage your nutrition targets?

Image result for staying on target is not easy

Lazza is in a weight loss plan at the moment - and good luck to him. But how difficult is it to stay focused, and can that be hampered by the people around you. Let's have a look at a few ways your friends could inadvertently be stopping you from reaching your goals.

They tell you that you do not  have to lose weight
The decision to lose weight is a personal one. A "healthy weight for your height" covers a wide range, and only you know when you feel at your best. Make sure your friends know your goal, and that your emotional health will be better when you reach it.

They criticize your diet
How many times do you hear "do not eat carbs", or "that diet does not work", or "you should not be eating that." When it comes to food, everyone has an opinion. At HMHB, when we cover nutrition, we are careful not to tell people what to eat - instead we concentrate on what the body requires to stay healthy. If you are happy with your weight loss program, and it is working for you, then explain that. And remember, we are all allowed treats now and then. Your approach may not work for everyone. It is personal to you.. Your friends should support that.

They encourage you to drink more alcohol
It is totally up to you if you drink alcohol, and the amount. But it does slow down weight loss and can also affect your willpower and decision making around food. Spending time with friends who encourage you to drink too much will not help you on your weight loss journey. Meet for a coffee instead, but also make sure your friends are aware of your goals.

They want you to cheat on your diet
Again, it is your choice what you put into your mouth, but you often hear phrases like: "just one bite wont hurt", or "don't be boring", or you have been so good, treat yourself." Many times this is said to make the other person feel justified for having the extra food or drink themselves.. Don't buckle. If you do not want it,, then stand up for yourself and say so. However, as said before, do treat yourself sometimes.

Your friends are obviously important to you, We all need to interact and feel liked. But do not allow that to hamper your own targets.

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