It's a brave, but necessary, decision to stop doing something you might enjoy. This will genuinely save your life though - or at least give you an opportunity of living a longer one.
- Reset Your Mindset: You need to think of yourself as a "non-smoker" from the moment you stop. A lot of that is telling yourself how well you are doing, how your health will be much better, and continually keeping yourself more active - do not allow your mind to draw yourself towards the reason you smoke. Islington Stop Smoking service reported that people believe they are addicted to nicotine and therefore it becomes so. However, they say people are more addicted to the routine around smoking - "I can't wake up without a fag" people might say - well if that's what they believe they will then smoke. It's getting out of that mindset.
- Leave the nicotine addiction behind: We do recognise though that Nicotine is an addictive substance, and your body will crave it. A withdrawal process is therefore unavoidable. You will require willpower and determination. Focusing on the positives is ideal - and treat every day as a success. Even break that day into hours of success if that helps. It helps to maintain a healthy diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables, take regular walks and cut back on caffeine (you do not want to replace one bad habit with another!!!)
- Deal with those cravings: There are four "Ds" to think of:
- Delay: cravings should last a few minutes - you can control them - and focus on other things. Last out this initial craving and it should go - do not give in.
- Deep breaths; Relax and focus your mind on something else - deep breathing techniques can help with this
- Drink water: This helps to flush nicotine and toxins out of your body. It will soon start to feel healthier, and that will be a great spur as you continue
- Do something: Be proactive. Replace that habit of lighting or holding a cigarette with something else - maybe try new things - you should fund more energy so look after your physical health a bit more
All in all - everybody has the strength to stop bad habits - it's just believing you can do it.
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