Wednesday, 3 April 2019

Daily probiotic "can cut stress"

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Scientists at University College Cork in Ireland gave 22 men aged 18-40 the bacterial culture 'bifidobacterium lomgum 1714' for four weeks.  According to the research, they reportedly became less stressed and anxious.

Researchers therefore claim - a daily capsule of a probiotic could cut stress, promote a sense of happiness, and boost brain power.

It should be pointed out that the research was commissioned by PrecisionBiotics, who just happen to be based in Cork, and have released a new food supplement called Zenflore. This has been dubbed on of the first "psychobiotics".

When HMHB things of probiotics we are naturally brought to drinks like Actimel and Yakult - and yoghurts created by Danone - you have probably seen the advertisements.
According to a "patient info" website:

The fact that worldwide the probiotic/prebiotic market is predicted to be anywhere from $28 billion to $42 billion in the next year tells you everything you need to know about how many people swear by their benefits. But really high-quality evidence is remarkably scarce, not least because the people in the studies are difficult to compare.
Sure, millions of people are convinced probiotics and prebiotics work. But people say the same about medicines, yet wouldn’t dream of taking them unless they’d gone through proper scientific studies to prove it. The placebo effect applies to pro/prebiotics as well as medicines - if people think they’ll work, they’re more likely to report that they feel better.
Because probiotics and prebiotics aren’t subject to the control of drug agencies, they don’t need to go through the same rigorous tests as prescribed medicines. But some companies have done the studies anyway
There is no evidence they do you any harm, so if you want to take them you can. But a good healthy diet should provide you with all you need.

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