Friday, 5 April 2019

Advice from the author of "The Little Book Of Sleep"

Image result for shakespeare quote about sleep

HMHB can empathise with anyone when it comes to problems surrounding sleep. We do not think there is any one magical solution. You have to try and find something that works for you. But it is recognised there are some elements you do need to try and control.

Dr Nerina Ramlakhan suggests a few things there that may help - but do not sue us if you still cannot improve!!!

  1. Eat breakfast within half an hour of waking, if possible. Certainly within one hour. If you are sleep deprived, you need to stabilise your blood sugar levels and stop your body running onn adrenalin in the mornings. Treat your body like you are running a marathon. Make sure you introduce some slow burning carbs, and include protein too.
  2. Do not substitute food with caffeine. Ideally, do not have caffeine after 3pm as it can affect your body for five to six hours, and if you are a sensitive sleeper consider stopping it after 12pm.  Incidentally, HMHB were told of research that many people believe they need caffeine in the morning to wake them up. However when some were given caffeine free coffee in an experiment, it acted as a placebo. The people believed they were getting caffeine, so expected to have more energy.
  3. Keep well hydrated. You will get a better quality sleep, even if you are not getting as many hours as you would like.
  4. Try and have an early night at least three times a week. If you need to read do so, but do not take electronics into the bedroom. Leave that phone outside. Blue light from the phones and tablets can stimulate the brain.
  5. Be active. Get outdoors. Experience more fresh air. Take short walks. Push yourself to do more. It may sound obvious, but this will wear you out more, but try and avoid looking at your phones so much.
  6. Try and avoid looking at the time. This can add to stress when you worry about how long you have left to sleep.
  7. If you do wake early, try and stay as relaxed and drowsy as you can. Concentrate on your breathing - even think about mindfulness (but do not use a phone app!!)
Yes, all this sounds great, but there are no quick remedies. HMHB is not an advocate of drugs and medication, unless it is absolutely necessary. Look at the death of Michael Jackson. People can get focused so deeply on sleep issues it is almost as if that can be a factor itself. It's easy words to say people should relax and destress. If you do have problems that are affecting your life, go and see your doctor.

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