Thursday, 11 April 2019

Ride a bike for better health

Image result for cycling clipart

A survey of 45000 middle aged Danes found that regular bike riders had up to 18 per cent fewer heart attacks over 20 years than non-cyclists.  In fact, it said that cycling for just five minutes a day can lower the risk of heart disease.  The study did not say if the non-cyclists did any other form of training or vigorous exercise though.

In another Study of 20000 Swedes in their 40s, 50s and 60s, cyclists were less likely to suffer obesity, diabetes, raised cholesterol, and high blood pressure.  It concluded that those who rode a bike to work had "considerable gains" in health. And you could still change in later life - it was "never to late to start".

HMHB promotes any activity that gets people outdoors and moving. Obviously walking is the obvious choice,, and that can lead to jogging and running. But biking is also a fantastic all round exercise, especially for your legs and core.  Just find something you enjoy.

There is a lot of talk in London now of biking lanes, cycles on the road to use, etc. It can be dangerous of course. There is much debate on the use of cycle helmets for one - our own HMHB personal opinion is that the safer you are on the road the better, and if that means putting on a helmet then you should do it.

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