Monday, 22 April 2019

Sitting for ages is not good for you - here is why

Image result for do not sit down for a long time

We all can get into bad routines,, especially if we are going through mental health issues. I recall vividly my worst depression around fourteen years ago now, and I cannot even remember much of 2004 or 2005 at all - and I used to tell people that I would struggle from the bed to the sofa, and then not even make it back to the bed at night.

However, that sedentary lifestyle helps to encourage lethargy and despair. However hard it is, you need to be proactive and move more and more.  But this is relevant to us all, even those employed.

Without getting up from your sofa - or from your desk if you work behind one - for regular breaks, and ensure you move about, it is possible we can sit in the same position for a long time - and this is bad for your posture.

Julie Barber,, a Consultant at Six Physio, says: "Our bodies are designed for movement, but many of us are employed in sedentary occupations - or if not employed we choose to sit in front of the television for much of the day. Research suggest active breaks with postural changes may be effective in reducing pain and discomfort, as well as preventing our backs and muscles from tightening up."

Motion is lotion for the joints, and just small breaks in the day can improve how your body and your brain feel. Get up, go outdoors if possible, and move for at least five minutes every hour. Go for a walk during your lunch hour if you work. If you are unemployed, unless you are physically unable to be more active, there is no excuses for not exercising more.

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