HMHB promotes a non-smoking lifestyle - clearly there are no health benefits, and the odds are you will die if you smoke. However, what happens to women when they get pregnant? Smoking with a baby inside them could be considered selfish.
Well, the Royal College of Midwives has come out and said that pregnant women should be encouraged to use e-cigarettes to help them quit smoking. In fact, they have also said that there is no evidence that vaping has an adverse effect on breastfeeding either.
Smoking cigarettes significantly increases the risk of miscarriage, stillbirth and sudden infant death. Naturally, all medical professionals recommend people do not smoke whilst pregnant, or around a baby. Yet, e-cigarettes also contain some toxins, just not at the levels found in tobacco smoke,
The RCM say: "if a pregnant woman, or one who has just given birth, who has been smoking chooses to use an e-cigarette (vaping) and it helps her to quit smoking and stay smoke-free, then that should be encouraged.
HMHB says: we advocate a non-smoking lifestyle - and that includes vaping. The choice is clearly down to the individual, and we are typing this at a time that two members of HMHB are trying to quit - Lazza is proud to say he has never smoked. But clearly, if you want to maintain a healthy lifestyle, all the evidence points to non-smoking!!!
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