these are real jumpers!!!!
Even I sometimes have to chuckle when I read articles in the media that I find it bit far-fetched. And I did that this morning with this story - but we will publish it for people to make up their own minds.
"Experts" (although I am not sure who has labelled them that) claim pictures of doughnuts and cupcakes on children's clothes may be encouraging them to eat more junk food.
Apparently, they say that humourous food graphics feature on nearly ten per cent of children's clothing and other products aimed at them. Researchers said it made them "walking billboards for junk food".
Seriously?? The University of Michagan studied 3,870 items aimed at Children. Paediatrician Megan Pesch said: "children's association and relationship with food begins developing at a young age." and then she added, although I am not sure I see the why this has anything to do with it, "obesity is much more easily prevented than it is treated."
HMHB says: (this is my personal view - Lazza)
where do I start? I find this astonishing. I recall eating sweet cigarettes as a kid - honestly, you could buy them. I have never smoked in my life. What doe they want on children's clothing. Just so-called "healthy food". Should we put astronauts on clothing? That is an unrealistic job prospect for nearly every child. There is nothing wrong with having a burger, or a pizza, or some ice-cream, or a cake. It will not make you fat. We need to be able to have sensible discussions with all ages around nutrition - everything in moderation. Let us not demonise food.
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