Tuesday, 4 June 2019

Flotation Tanks - can they help in the wellness industry?

Image result for flotation tank

The latest trend to hit UK spas are flotation tanks. These egg shaped pods are just big enough for a human to bob around in, while salts in the water keep the body afloat. Can they really do any good?

These days we are constantly checking phones, stressed out, and asking for a break. Well, here is the answer. When do you ever completely switch off with no mobile phone, music, television, or chatter? However, if you are claustrophobic, or you feel like you may struggle spending an hour in silence and pitch black, this might not be for you.

The water is not cold - it is kept at room temperature, and the Epsom salts make you float. All you do is stick in some ear plugs, lie back and relax. This is not easy I know. You can doze off without a risk of drowning.

People say the float tanks help both body and brain, relaxing muscles and the mind. They can help you unwind after exercise.

It is not for those on benefits sadly. The cost can be high - in borough the cost is around £55 an hour, and £30 for half an hour..

HMHB says: unless you have money to burn maybe this is not for you. There are many ways to relax and unwind - but as a treat it is something to experience?

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