Sunday, 9 June 2019

High Fat Foods that are good for you; Part 3

Image result for high fat foods that are good for you

In the previous two blog entries we said that not that long ago fat was demonized to such an extent it was replaced in many diets - but that has led to people eating more sugar, refined carbohydrates and processed meals.
As a result, the whole world is becoming fatter, with obesity one of the major killers of our species. But times are changing, Studies are now showing that "sugar" is the real evil here, and in fact fat, including some saturated fat, is not the devil it was made out to be.
We should say at this point that "trans-fat" is still the one to avoid though. In moderation of course, but as a treat only.

Here are three more high fat foods that are good for you

Image result for butter from grass fed cows

Butter - from grass-fed cows
Maybe controversial, as butter is very high in saturated fat. Even so, studies shows that high-fat dairy products are linked to reduced risk of obesity, and reduced risk of cardiovascular disease in countries where cows are grass fed.

This butter contains important nutrients like Vitamins A and K2. It also contains Butyrate and CLA, bioactive fatty acids that have been linked to numerous health benefits.

According to research, when cows are pastured on their natural diet of grass, they produce milk with more healthy fats and fat-soluble vitamins, a better omega-3 to omega-6 ratio, and fewer toxins.

Image result for extra virgin olive oil

Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Another fatty food that almost everyone agrees is healthy is extra virgin olive oil. This fat is an essential component of the Mediterranean diet, which has been shown to have numerous benefits.

It contains Vitamins E and K, and is loaded with powerful antioxidants. Some of these can fight inflammation and help protect the LDL perticles in the blood from being oxidized.

It has also been shown to help to lower blood pressure, improve cholesterol markers, and have all sorts of benefits related to heart-disease risk. Ot of all the healthy fats and oils in the diet, extra virgin olive oil is the best.

Image result for full fat yogurt

Full Fat Yoghurts
Yes, you read that right. Full fat - not Low Fat

Full fat yoghurt is incredibly healthy.
It has all the same important nutrients as other high-fat dairy products. But it is also loaded with healthy, probiotic bacteria that can heave powerful effects on your health and body.

Studies show that yoghurt can lead to major improvements in digestive health, and may even help fight heart disease and obesity.

Just make sure to choose a real, full-fat version and read the label. Many of the yoghurts on store shelves are "low-fat", but loaded with added sugar for taste instead. Please avoid them!!!

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