Wednesday, 8 May 2019

Walk faster for a longer life

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HMHB loves getting outdoors and walking - it's why we started out walking project and want to expand it further. It is quite leisurely - and the mental as well as physical benefits are fantastic. But should we be encouraging our walkers to walk faster? Well, experts say we should.

According to some recent research, older people can halve the risk of a premature death just by increasing their walking pace!!!  It's a bold claim.

Over 60s who reached three miles per hour were 53 per cent less likely to die early from a heart attack or stroke. Walking at more than 20 minutes a mile cut the risk by 46 per cent.

The study was conducted by Australia's University of Sydney. The author, Professor Emmanuel Stamatakis, said: "An indicator is to walk at a pace that makes you slightly out of breath."

Those aged 30 and over found a brisk pace up to 4.35 miles per hour cut their overall risk of death by 24 per cent in 15 years compared to slow movers.

Ultimately, any movement and flexibility is good. But of you are able to physically improve the speed you walk then do so.

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