Wednesday, 8 May 2019

Poor sleep can affect your heart

Image result for sleep affects health

If there was one area that people talk about the most when they are going through difficulties, then it has to be sleep. Many of us have issues with it - whether that be trouble dropping off, waking up in the night, or even the quality of it. However, a new study has said it can be bad for your heart too.

A major study says that poor quality sleep increases the risk of heart rhythm problems which are a major cause of strokes.

Researchers looked at four studies involving several million people and found waking up in the night was linked to Atrial Fibrillation (AF).  The condition means the heart beat is irregular - or abnormally fast - and affects around a million people in the UK alone.

Dr Gregory Marcus, of University of California, said his team's research, which was published in the journal HeartRhythm, could help doctors identify and treat sufferers.

HMHB has put several postings on this blog regarding sleep, and trying to find ways to helop people improve their nightly shut-eye. I hope anyone can find something that helps, but do seek medical advice if it is a constant pain.

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