It can happen to us all. Our skin can get blotchy, itchy, and w can suffer. But is it possibly down to things we eat and drink? Here, a celebrity facialist, reveals certain items that can cause concern. May I add that these are all published in the media responses. We are just reporting the facts as they are written. Personally, we feel a couple are controversial - but you can make up your own minds.
While your morning coffee can get you fully pumped for the day ahead, it is possible it is causing you skin damage. If you look tired and puffy after your morning coffee fix, there is a good chance it is down to the caffeine. One facialist, Abigail James, says: "in place of caffeinated drinks, I love adding iced green tea wit fresh mint to my morning routine to help clean up internal digestion and keep skin healthy and vibrant."
Food with a kick could be causing your complexion serious stress, especially if you suffer from redness or rosacea. Spicy foods are known to stimulate blood circulation and cause our temperatures to rise, making our skin more sensitive and prone to flushing.
Are you a carbohydrate lover? Keep breaking out in spots and blemishes? It could be time to break up with the beige.
Refined carbohydrates cause a surge in the body's production of insulin, which can lead to an excess in the male hormones that stimulate our subaceous glands - responsible for waterproofing our skin - and, in turn, produce oils that lead to breakouts.
Protein Shakes
If people are mixing protein powders with cow's milk, it may be time to try dairy free alternatives.
Dr. Catherine Borysiewicz, a consultant dermatologist at the Cadogan Clinic, said: "a very high dairy intake stimulates cortisol production and can actually worsen acne."
Not only do most alcoholic drinks contain high levels of sugar, they are dehydrating and interfere with our sleep. Through adding to your liver's workload, that seemingly harmless glass of wine in the evening is a block between you and a glowing youthful complexion.
What does HMHB think? Exercise and good hydration are proven to be great for your skin. Look after it. You only have one body. But also, do have treats. Just think about the effects on your body.
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