Wednesday, 1 May 2019

"Blue light pollution as harmful as junk food" - a bold claim here

Image result for blue light pollution

England's top doctor has warned that light pollution from phones and tablets could be as harmful as junk food. She says it is fuelling an epidemic of sleep deprivation.

Chief Medical Officer, Dame Sally Davies, said: "people should try to make sure their mobile phones are turned off well before bedtime. That goes for children as well."

It is estimated that more than three quarters of Brits are exposed to blue light before going to bed. Research has suggested it prevents production of the hormone Melatonin - an important factor in going to sleep - as the body is sensitive to its shorter wavelengths. The NHS warns that regular poor sleep increases the risk of various serious medical conditions, including obesity (as you then eat through boredom and being awake longer), heart disease and diabetes, as well as mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression.

HMHB has put various postings on this blog around sleep problems, and universally people continue to talk about media technology being a factor. Do we really need to be checking emails after 9pm? Do we have to find out what our friends are doing on social media right away? Do we have to be playing on a gaming app? Let's start to relax earlier, have conversations with actual people, or if you are on your own, take time for yourself. Get a bath, shower, book, or even meditate. Find some time for you away from technology.

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