Tuesday 14 May 2019

On Antidepressants? Understand possible side-effects on withdrawal

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Many people know that HMHB was created following a couple of major depressions suffered by our Lazza. However, not many are aware he did not use antidepressants at all. "I wanted to know that I felt better because I was getting better, and not because of any pills. Plus I was aware that they can ve addictive."
But not everyone feels the same, and HMHB does not advocate either way. It is up to the individual if they feel they need to use medication to help with their mental health problems. But, people do need to know what experts are saying about side-effects!!

A recent review says that millions suffer bad side-effects when they come off antidepressants. More than half of those who try to stop using, or cut down on, the pills have withdrawal symptoms. Of those, 46 per cent experience severe side-effects, which can include anxiety, flu-like symptoms and insomnia.

The All Party Parliamentary Group for Prescribed Drug Dependence review calls for fresh guidance for patients choosing to come off the pills.

Current guidance says withdrawal symptoms are "usually mild" and last about one week. Experts reviewed 14 studies, most of which found that many patients suffer for weeks, months or longer.

HMHB obviously has a voice here. It should be noted that around seven  million UK residents take antidepressants, and we do feel that is very high. It is interesting to wonder just how many use it as a placebo. People will make individual choices around their health - and it is good to take responsibility over medication. Just understand possible consequences.

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