Tuesday, 14 May 2019

Eye problems? it could be your technology.

Image result for eye problems due to screens

For many of us, and I am feeling it myself at this very moment, we spend a lot of our time staring at a screen - whether that be a laptop, tablet /or mobile. But could it be damaging our eye sight?  Well, experts have recently warned is that long hours staring at computers for work can damage eyes due to a lack of blinking!!

People naturally blink approximately 20 times a minute. However, if you are concentrating on a screen this can drop to just two to four blinks a minute. This can lead to dry eyes, causing strain, blurred vision and headaches.

A survey found that nearly half the nation spends the working week in front of a monitor, with the typical office worker viewing a display for more than five and a half hours per day. Eighty-eight per cent of those said their eyes suffered as a result. Headaches have affected more than one third, and one in five has experienced blurred or disturbed vision.

The survey by Hycosan and Optase Eye Care, found that 36 per cent could not avoid looking at a display for a day, and two in five could not recall their screen-free day.

More than half of those quizzed also said that office lighting and air conditioning had a negative effect on eyes.

HMHB is all for taking rests from screens. We sit hunched, staring at monitors, concentrating and focusing on typing, and not thinking about what is happening to our bodies at the same time.

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