Wednesday, 17 July 2019

What does Cocaine do to your body??? Let's break it down

Image result for cocaine

I have made no secret that when I had two terrible depressions in my life I did use recreational drugs as a crutch. I do not condone or berate. At the time, that is what I did. I don't live with regrets. It was part of what has made me who I am now - and HMHB would probably not exist if I had not gone through those terrible times.

Cocaine was one of the drugs I took. Obviously, I have not used for a long time, and have no intention of using again. I look back on how much money I spent and my behaviour when on the drug, both with shame. But I have moved on.

Cocaine wreaks havoc on the body from the moment it is snorted, smoked, or injected. It enters the bloodstream within seconds and it quickly starts its assault on the brain. It can bring a quite euphoric high which can last 20 to 40 minutes maybe, possible longer - which is why the Class A narcotic is so addictive.  But the more you use it, the quicker the brain adapts to it, which means the user needs a stronger dose to feel the same high next time around.  And it can actually change the chemistry in the brain.

So if you take it - what effect if it having on the body?  This is from an official online medical account.

Within 5 minutes
Cocaine speeds up the central nervous system - and it is this that controls most of the functions of the body and mind. In powder form it can take five minutes to kick in - whereas if you smoke it (use crack) it is almost instant.

Within 10 minutes
The drug is really taking hold now - and there can be a feeling of invincibility. The user can feel relaxed, and stress is eased. The brain is busy releasing a number of neurochemicals which can  induce euphoria, talkativeness and confidence. Your inhibitions can relax.
If you have smoked it, the crack cocaine hit can now be waning though. This is why it is so addictive. You have loved that "high" and want to experience it again.

Within 30 minutes
About now - especially if snorting - the high is starting to wane. And this is when many users want another line, or hit. They want the good feeling to continue. So if you have continued use, people quickly develop a tolerance, and it will take larger amounts of the drug for them to feel the same level of narcotic high.

Within 60 minutes
The effects of the drug should have worn off or be close to that. Your heart rate is coming back to normal - whereas cocaine will increase uit. Your blood pressure and mood should also now be back to normal.  You think it is over.

Within 90 minutes
You can start to experience a "crash". You can feel tired, maybe even exhausted. Your appetite, which diminishes on the drug, comes back. You may feel restless and irritable.
The "comedown" experience can vary wildly, depending on the purity of the drug you took and your own sensitivity. It can last for many hours to just a few.

HMHB says:
Many people have to ask themselves why they take a recreational drug, For many, it is confidence and the feeling they cannot have a good time without it. For others, it is a crutch to help overcome problems (except of course the problem remains when the drug wears off). It can also be expensive.
If you feel you have a problem with drugs then please get some help. Your doctors will be discreet and you will find there are various organisations that would be only too pleased to try and help you. It's your choice.

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