Monday, 22 July 2019

Can your diet help with Blood Pressure? Let's look at some foods

Image result for what is a good blood pressure

Maintaining a good blood pressure is important because the higher your blood pressure is, the higher the risk of health problems in the future.

If you blood pressure is high (Lazza, is taking Lisinopril for a slightly high blood pressure at the moment, so can happen to all), it is putting extra strain on your arteries and your heart. Over time, this strain can cause the arteries to become thicker and less flexible, and maybe weaker.

If this happens they can become narrow, making them more likely to become clogged up. This can lead to a clot, which can cause heart attack, stroke, kidney disease or dementia.  It has also been known, although rarely, it can lead to an artery bursting.

The good news is that we can do things about that, on top of medication. We can adjust both our lifestyles by increasing exercise, and changing our diets. Let's look at some recommended by nutritionists.

Dark Chocolate
This contains high levels of cocoa and flavinoids, plant compounds that produce nitric oxide, a substance shown to help relax artery walls and lower blood pressure.  A small bar can contain over 130 calories, so watch the amount you intake though.

I do like beetroot with my salads. This reddish vegetable is rich in dietary nitrate, which relaxes blood vessel walls. Scientists in Australia found that, within six hours of people drinking 500ml of beetroot juice, there was noticeable drops in blood pressure. Now, juice is not for everyone. But baby beetroot, or sliced, in salads, or used as a vegetable, is still a good source.

Pomegranate Juice
Maybe this is one reason this has been considered one of those "super foods", but this is rich in both potassium and super nutrients that may help cut cholesterol build-ups.  Drinking just 250ml a day has been shown  to help reduce blood pressure in young and middle aged people.

British researchers writing in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition have claimed eating three daily servings of wholegrain foods, such as oats and brown rice, is linked to lowering blood pressure. They suggest this could be down to wholegrains helping to reduce circulating bad cholesterol.

Extra virgin olive oil
Spanish scientists have found that including polyphenol and Vitamin E-rich olive oil in a diet led to lower blood pressure over a four month period.

I am a little divided on this one. I will say why at the end of the first bit.
Low fat yoghurt and skimmed milk appear to reduce the risk of high blood pressure, possibly because they help to combat cholesterol-raising saturated fats in the diet, which can clog artery walls.
HMHB says:  because of the extra sugar content, we use full fat products - but the choice is naturally up to the individual.

Fatty Fish
We are constantly saying how good fatty fish can be - sue to omega 3/6/9. Many studies have found that omega-3 fatty acids in fish, such as mackerel, salmon, sardines, ;pilchards, help to lower blood pressure by improving elasticity of the artery walks.

A study revealed that people with high bad cholesterol who ate just one serving of pistachios a day, saw a blood pressure drop over four weeks. I have to say I love pistachio ice crea, - but I am guessing that wont count!!

HMHB says:
Anything in our diets that can make our bodies work better and stay healthier for longer has to be a good thing.  It is up to us to ensure we take the best care possible of our lives.

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