Friday, 5 July 2019

Are you addicted to your phone??

Image result for are you addicted to your phone

It is reported that over two million people in the UK have an "unhealthy attachment" to their mobile phone. That is frightening.  The average smartphone user now checks their device roughly every 12 minutes of the waking day.

There is a no-nonsense guide been published, aimed at helping people face up to their smartphone use, and it offers advice on ow to break a potential problem.

Here are a few of their questions - why not see how you answer?

  1. Do you find yourself spending more time on your phone than you realise?
  2. Do you find yourself passing time on a regular basis by staring at your phone?
  3. Do you lose track of time when on your phone?
  4. Do you find more time texting, tweeting, or emailing as opposed to talking to people in person?
  5. Is the time you spend on your mobile increasing?
  6. Do you wish you could be a little less involved with your phone?
  7. Do you sleep with your mobile (turned on) under your pillow or next to your bed?
  8. Do you interrupt what you are doing to view texts, tweets and emails 24/7?
  9. Do you use your phone when you are doing activities that should require your attention?
  10. Do you feel your phone use decreases your productivity at times?
  11. Do you feel reluctant to be without your phone, even for a short time?
  12. Do you feel ill at ease if you accidentally forget your phone, get no service, or break your phone?
  13. When you eat, do you have the mobile at your side?
  14. If your phone beeps, do you feel an intense urge to check for texts, updates, tweets, etc?
  15. Do you keep checking your mobile, even when you know there is likely nothing new to view?
HMHB says:
We do not even have to analyse your answers - you can do that yourself?  What do you recognise? Do you see you in these questions? Do you find yourself ignoring people around you, in order to spend time on the phone?
I work a lot in the "office" - white swan in highbury/islington. The number of people I see who come in, whether that be two friends, or a group, who sit down and then proceed to all spend time on their phones is just incredible. Life is short people. Yes, we need communication. These days it is more and more vital. But sometimes, put the phone down and interact with the people around you. I can promise you it will be more fun, and more memorable!!

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