Monday, 8 July 2019

Is a good morning routine crucial? Part Three - 3 more things to do

Image result for importance of a morning routine

We have been looking at a good morning routine in the last two posts - in this final one we look at a further three tweaks you can make. Then HMHB has their say:

Find time to be "still"
Okay, we all know how busy life can be, and meditation might feel like the last thing you want to be doing. But neuroscientists have discovered it can actually physically change the parts of the brain associated with attention and sensory processing. There is no proven time that is any better to take time out to chill (you would imagine an evening would be great), but the mind is quieter for most people when you first wake in the morning, plus you can do this in the time when you were previously pressing snooze!!  It is proven to help with concentration, and can be done from 3 minutes to 30 minutes.

Get things out of the way
Doing something you dread first thing in the morning may sound horrific, but actually it could be the best time. On a normal day we all have things we prefer not to do, chores to complete, or paperwork to get through.  Even exercise can come into that category.  So get it our the way.
That way it feels as if you are rewarding yourself later in the day. You have accomplished something and still have the day ahead. Get rid of the pain in the morning, and thank yourself later with a reward - a film, a book, a long bath!!!  Mentally it is a win!!!

Active commute
Not always easy, but what they are saying is that we find some way to be more physically active on your way to work, or whatever you are doing. If out of work, then head outdoors anyway.
If working, maybe walk more if you can - or cycle - or even if you are brave enough you can jog a bit.
Your heart will be pumping harder increasing blood flow to the brain and organs. Oxygen is also flowing through your body better. Getting outdoors brings you in contact with more sunlight (even with this unpredictable British weather).

HMHB says:
We totally understand how mental health issues (whether unemployed or employed), with stress and anxiety, can lead to energy levels falling, poor sleep, and tiredness. But keeping a morning routine is vital for your overall well-being. Simple small changes can make huge differences. But do try and stop using that "snooze" button. If you set an alarm, use it. Get up. Be active. Push yourself, It may feel like the most difficult thing to do, especially if your sleep is poor, but you will be thanking yourself in the end.  It's your choice!! 

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