Wednesday, 27 March 2019

"Squat test" - for a better life - try it yourself

Image result for the squat exercise

The aim is to perform a deeper squat as possible (which means lowering your bottom as close to the floor as you can get it) - so try it out yourself.
Stand with your feel  slightly wider apart than your hips, with your toes pointed slightly outwards. Look straight ahead, keeping your chin up, and as you lower stock your backside out, ensuring your back stays straight, and lower.

Good Fitness:              30 squats in a minute - but remember form is key, and it is not about speed.
Average:                      30 squats in 80 seconds or more
Needs Improvement - 30 squats in 90 seconds or more

What does this prove?
The squat challenge is a really good indicator of fitness. It highlights your lower body strength and general flexibility, as well as your cardiovascular health (heart) through your ability to maintain a high speed of what is a difficult exercise.
Not being able to complete the squats in a reasonable time (and it should be noted that some people are naturally slower than others, and form is more important than speed) it can indicate poor posture, low general fitness, limited strength and lower range of movement and flexibility.

How can I improve?
Try some lower body strength work, such as hip bridges, to strengthen you glutes (one of the largest group of muscles in your body)

Image result for hip bridges

Lie face up on the floor with you knees bent and your feet and head flat on the floor. Lift your hips off the ground, and you can see from the picture that your knees, hips and shoulders form a natural straight line. Then squeeze your bum muscles, hold for a few seconds, release, and then lower back down to the floor. Repeat this motion between 10 and 20 times.
Also, try and squat during the day. It is a natural movement when we sit in a chair. Just get up and down from the chair a few times.  It all adds up.

HMHB incorporates squats into all out fitness and exercise routines. They can be down in various different formats.

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