This test is for the average man and woman. Naturally there are people, such as personal trainers, rugby players, etc. who are physically larger, but also quite fit. So do not message us back trying to say that just because you are a larger person this does not mean your are not healthy.
For this test - find the bottom of your ribs, and then the top of your hips. You want to wrap a tape measure around your waist - which is midway between the two points. It is probably around, or just above your belly button area.Breathe out naturally before taking the measurement. Do it a couple of times to make sure you get the right number:
Based on an average member of the public;
Good Health 31 inches (78cm) for women; 36 inches (91cm) foe men
Average: 32.5 inches (83cm) for women; 38 inches (96cm) for men
Needs Improvement 34 inches (88cm) for women; 40 inches (102cm) for men
What does this prove?
Your risk of many health problems is affected by where you store your body fat. Fat is important, as various Vitamins (A, D, E, K) are fat soluble.
However, if you carry too much fat around your waist, this can significantly increase your risk of developing conditions including heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, as well as several different cancers. Measuring your waist checks you are not carrying too much fat around your stomach.
Some people with a healthy BMI think they are not at risk.; And people can also claim they they are fitter because of behaviour even though they carry fat. But if these people have excess tummy fat, they are still more likely to develop these diseases than those with less.
How can I improve?
The simple solution is to exercise more, and re-evaluate your nutrition. Honestly, it is that easy. Well, that's the explanation. There are clearly physical and mental health issues that can affect that too.
Weight gain occurs when we eat more calories than we use up.
Look at reducing the portion size on your plate. Cut back on takeaways and cook more - this can be an exciting project as yo can try new foods and flavours, as well as improve your skills. Cut back on the cakes, sweets and sugary drinks.
If you do find you need to lose fat/weight, do it at a safe rate. The NHS recommends losing between one to two pounds a week - a maximum of 1kg. Remember, patience, maintaining, and persevering is the answer. And understanding that sometimes you will get weeks where you will not lose weight, or may even put on.
HMHB encourages exercise, watching calorie intake (to a degree - lets not be extreme) and a healthier lifestyle.