Monday, 9 March 2020

Do you have low energy levels? What can you do.

Image result for be more active

"Warning. Being more active will increase your energy levels significantly
and make you feel amazing"

It can happen to all of us. That feeling of tiredness, lethargy, and a reluctance to do things. Obviously, it is possible there is an underlying health issue, but more than often it is down to apathy, a poor diet , a lack of exercise, or mental health stress.

What can we do?  Well, for a start, please do not look to use a chocolate bar, a cup of coffee, or an energy drink, for a quick lift.  The sugar and/or caffeine might give you an immediate pick-me-up, but after that quick high wears off, you will crash and feel even more drained.
What you really need is a more lasting solution to keep sluggishness at bay.

Have breakfast
People who eat breakfast every morning report less fatigue and stress than people who skip it, according to multiple studies and research. High-fibre foods, like porridge, stick with you longer than sugary cereals. They also help stave off feelings of hunger.

Drink some Water
Dehydration can leave you feeling drained and fatigued. You do not necessarily have to follow the "eight glasses a day" rule, but you do want to drink enough water to keep your body well hydrated. You can tell if you are doing it right because you will not feel thirsty, and your urine is light coloured. Remember, water is vital to keeping you alive and healthy.

Have some nuts
Nuts are not only a good source of protein, but eating a handful of almonds, peanuts, walnuts etc. means you are getting a good dose of magnesium and folate (folic acid).  These nutrients are essential for energy and cell production. A lack of them can leave you feeling weary.
Just be careful, as nuts are high in calories. A handful is sufficient - do not eat the whole bag in one go.

Get Moving
Exercise can be a scary word. But really we are talking about moving more, moving more often, and this is a natural energy booster because, when you do it, oxygen rich blood surges through your body to your heart, muscles and brain. Even if you can only spare ten minutes at a time, this can help top up your levels. Move around every chance you get.
It should be added that the best exercise is one that gets you slightly out of breath, and maybe breaking a sweat. You know your body is working hard then.

Sunshine - get outdoors
It is tempting to hibernate when we feel fatigued, especially if we are going through some mental health issues. We tend to isolate ourselves as we do not want to mix with people, or even talk.
But exposure to daylight and regular exercise will help to counteract seasonal sluggishness.  In winter, open blinds and curtains fully to let the light in. Sit near windows as much as possible if indoors.
Most importantly, get outdoors, especially when the sun is at its highest. Lack of sunlight affects crucial Vitamin D levels, and that has a negative impact on our health.  Go for a walk, meet friends, keep moving.
NHS guidelines suggest taking a 10mg Vitamin D supplement daily during the colder, darker months. But do check with your doctor first.

Have a snack
Your brain needs fuel to function at its best, and it feeds off glucose. When your blood sugar levels drop, your mind will start running on fumes and will feel fuzzy as a result. So if your head is starting to droop during the day, eat a snack that will give you energy. Maybe combine protein with slow release carbs. Peanut Butter (high percent peanuts) is fantastic, as is Hummus, or fresh berries and fruit.  Try and avoid Trans Fats and Refined sugar - which are sadly in the most fattening but tasty cakes and biscuits!! Lol.

Be around Positivity
I know this might be difficult to understand, but emotions have been shown to be surprisingly contagious.  People who are constantly negative and down have been shown to sap the the energy from those around them, while those who are always up and excited can give you a real lift.
You choose your friends, so choose wisely!!

HMHB says:
Ultimately, you are responsible for your own happiness and energy levels. You decide what you eat and when. You decide if you go outdoors, who you mix with, and how much fitness you do. Please be responsible. Look after yourself. It is not only physically, but also mentally.

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