Monday, 5 August 2019

Eating Chocolate boosts your mental health!!! Yes, the facts are here.

Image result for chocolate is good for you

Now, before I get carried away with the research and detail the findings, it is very important to understand that chocolate is also, normally, high in sugar content.

However,, a study has suggested that munching away on chocolate actually slashes the risk of depression by up to 70 per cent. Apparently, enjoying just over 100g a day (which is half a large Dairy Milk), boosts mental health.

Experts found the biggest consumers were 57 per cent less likely to suffer from the blues. And those eating the so-called healthier dark chocolate varieties reduced their risk by an astonishing 70 per cent.

The study, that covered 14000 adults (the lucky devils!!!!) has led to scientists claiming that chocolate could be an alternative to anti-depressants for some individuals.  They believe the chocolate's anti-oxidant flavonoids and stimulant phenylethylamine have a similar mood boosting effect to cannabis. The British researchers said the scale of its powers were unexpected.

Doctor Sarah Jackson, from University College London, who published the research in the journal Depression and Anxiety, said: "this study provides some evidence that consumption of chocolate, in particular dark chocolate, may be associated with reduced odds of clinically relevant depressive symptoms.  I was surprised at the size of the association, and also at the quantity of chocolate reportedly consumed by the top chocolate consumers."

She said that more work is needed to understand which chemicals in chocolate protect mental health. But it could simply be that eating it is such a treat, people feel happier - like a placebo effect.

HMHB says:
Any research that suggests chocolate is good for you is welcomed by me - LOL.
Seriously, from a young age we are taught that chocolate is a treat, and something enjoyable. It is natural to assume it makes us feel better.
We must be careful on the amount we eat, as well as how regularly. Its high sugar content can lead to weight gain if not supervised. There is nothing wrong with chocolate being part of a healthy diet, as long as you are keeping a close eye on intake. Anything that can improve your mental health has to be a good thing.

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