Your glutes are the largest group of muscles in the body. Yes, it is nice if they look great, but they are also very important as they consist of three muscles that work together to abduct, rotate, and extend the hip, making them vital to everyday movements. By strengthening these muscles (the glutes minimus, medius, and maximus - see pic above) your posture, athletic performance and overall strength will improve drastically.
Too much sitting can actually lead to organ damage, muscle degradation, and damaged backs. If you strengthen your glutes, your spine will have more support and your pelvis will automatically begin to stabilize - which is essential for good posture.
Having strong glutes can prevent serious injuries to your knees, lower back and hamstrings, all of which are essential to simple daily activities.
There are some fairly simple exercises you can do to help you get a "peachy bottom" - with a bit less sag. The best thing is you can do them at home, and there is no need for any equipment. It just takes a little time and effort - isn't that worth it??
With the help of a qualified fitness professional - here are some of them.
Wide leg squat pulse
Stand with your feet wider that hip distance apart - this is sometimes called a Sumo Squat position - if you think how sumo wrestlers stand in the ring.
Drop down into a low squat (or as far as you can) by sending your bum backwards and bending your knees - as if you were sitting down in a chair. Keep your chest lifted. Shoving your bum back first is imperative. It is a squat - you are not just ducking down.
While you are down in the squat position, perform pulses up and down (slow small movements - maybe for 30-60 seconds depending on how fit you are).
Glute Bridge
Start on your back, lying flat, but with your legs bent (your feet fairly close to your bum). Your head, arms , back and feet should all be in the floor.
Slowly raise your back up off the floor, thrusting your hips towards the ceiling, and clenching your bum tight. When you can go no higher, just your feel and shoulders and head should be touching the floor.
Hold that position for a count of five, maintaining a tight squeeze in your bum, then lower down slowly and gently till you get back to the original position. Repeat several times.
Curtsy Lunge
Stand with your legs hip width apart. Relax you shoulders and get your breathing to a nice gentle easy way.
From the position, take a side step behind you with your left leg, lowering youe left knee so it hovers just above the floor, and bending your right knee so it remains above your right foot. You have now curtsied. Then just reverse this to get back to the original position and do the same with the opposite leg. It is just a version of the lunge, but puts even more emphasis on the glutes.
HMHB says:
There are many many more exercises to help with the bum - but most of them will include some kind of squat or lunge version in them. It is about finding exercises you enjoy, but also push you to get out of your comfort zone. Don't only do exercises you find easy. Do those that hurt more, that your find difficult, that if offered you would probably back out of.
Remember, it is your responsibility to look after your body, and make the best choices possible - with nutrition, exercise and routine - to keep it healthy and active.